JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will run a free private school program in the new school year 2025/2026. Secretary of Commission E of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Justin Adrian Untayana is worried that the enthusiasm of residents in free schools will be high.

It is feared that residents in buffer areas will actually register their children to attend school in Jakarta. This is because free education has the potential to become a magnet for urbanization to Jakarta.

This, if it happens, will result in the original residents who live in Jakarta not having the opportunity to enjoy free educational facilities.

"It's not that we are anti-immigrants. But free education must be prioritized for DKI Jakarta residents," Justin told reporters, Tuesday, March 18.

Thus, this Member of the Special Committee (Pansus) for the Implementation of Education of the DKI Jakarta DPRD asked the DKI Provincial Government to add certain conditions. For example, parents of students who will receive free school facilities must have a DKI ID card for at least 5 years.

"The control is that his parents must have a DKI Jakarta ID card for at least 5 years. It is the same with being able to rent Rusunawa having to have an ID card for at least two years. But for free education, you have to have five years," explained Justin.

In the initial period, the DKI Provincial Government will conduct trials of free school programs in 40 private schools. The DKI Provincial Government, according to Justin, also needs to equalize public schools.

The equalization starts from infrastructure, educators, and other supporting elements. Moreover, the payment mechanism can also be detailed optimally.

"Because we have to be as specific as possible to minimize the error of the trial time starting," he said.

In preparation for the free school program, the DKI Provincial Government is still preparing for the revision of Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 8 of 2006 concerning the Implementation and Management of Education. This revision of the regional regulation is the legal umbrella for free schools which will run in the new academic year 2025/2026.

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