MATARAM - The Provincial Government of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) has set a non-economic intercity transportation tariff (AKDP) for the Lebaran 2025 period.

Head of the NTB Transportation Agency Lalu Moh Faozal said the determination of the upper limit tariff was aimed at avoiding an unnatural increase in ticket prices.

This includes ensuring safe and affordable transportation services for the entire user community.

"We want to make sure that people can enjoy homecoming trips at a reasonable, safe and comfortable price," he said in Mataram, NTB, Antara, Tuesday, March 18.

The determination of the upper limit tariff for non-economic AKDP transportation for Eid 2025 transportation is based on the decision of a joint meeting between the DPD Organda NTB, BPTD Class II of the NTB Region, and transportation entrepreneurs.

"This transportation rate is effective from March 24 or D-7 before Eid until April 7 or D+7 after Eid," said Faozal.

According to him, the upper limit for Eid 2025 transportation does not increase in tariffs in all services and for Lebaran 2025 transportation rates, there are only additional sleeper class services.

Meanwhile, the intercity inter-provincial transportation tariff (AKAP) is regulated by the central government.

The details of the non-economic AKDP upper limit rates for Eid 2025 transportation are the Mataram-Sumbawa Barat route of Rp. 132,000 for the executive class, Mataram-Sumbawa Besar Rp. 200,000 for the executive class, Mataram-Dompu-Bima Rp. 330,000 for the executive class, Mataram-Bima Rp. 450,000 for the super executive class, and Mataram-Bima Rp. 525,000 for the sleeper class class class. class.

Meanwhile, regarding the readiness of the Lebaran 2025 transportation fleet in NTB, there are 739 units, consisting of AKDP 375 units, taxis 286 units, and online rental transportation (ASK) as many as 78 units.

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