SAMARINDA - The Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service of East Kalimantan Province (DKP Kaltim) took firm action by dismantling 40 marine benchmarks illegally installed by residents in RT 1 Bontang Kuala Village, Bontang City.
"We are taking this action to enforce the rules and maintain the sustainability of marine resources in the region," said Head of the Supervision Division of Marine Resources and Improvement of the Marine and Fisheries Service of East Kalimantan, Raihan Fida, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 18.
The control was carried out after it was found about 800 meters of marine area which was illegally claimed by the community.
According to Raihan, the installation of the stakes violates the Regional Regulation (Perda) of the East Kalimantan Coastal and Small Islands (RZWP-3K) Zoning Plan.
"Installation of stakes illegally can disrupt fishermen's activities and damage marine ecosystems," said Raihan.
He added that before the demolition was carried out, his party had taken a persuasive approach by asking residents to lower the stakes themselves.
"Some stakes have indeed been lowered independently by residents. However, because there are still many left, we are forced to take this control action," he also said.
Previously, in February 2025, the East Kalimantan DKP conducted a site review and documented every installed stake. This action was then followed up with an intensive examination of residents claiming the land.
The results of the Investigation Report (BAP) from the examination were handed over to the Bontang City Government to assist in socializing the area of cultivation and catch areas to the public.
The demolition execution process was also accompanied by the Lurah Bontang Kuala Sanusi. According to him, residents who installed the stakes have never coordinated with the kelurahan or other related agencies.
"Seharusnya, warga yang ingin memanfaatkan kawasan laut harus mengurus perizinan ke Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan. Pemasangan petok secara ilegal seperti ini tidak diperbolehkan," kata Sanusi menegaskan.
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