JAKARTA - President Prabowo Subianto expressed his commitment to take firm action against any illegal or illegal mining practices to smuggling that harm the state.
He said this statement during a speech on the agenda of the inauguration of the Mulia Metal Purification Factory PT Freeport Indonesia in Gresik, East Java, Monday, March 17.
"The establishment of this precious metal refining industry is very important. We not only sell raw materials, but also produce end products with large added value," said the President, confiscated by Antara.
In his speech, the President emphasized the importance of downstreaming the industry to increase added value for the national economy.
The President expressed his pride that Indonesia now has one of the largest gold refining facilities in the world that processes minerals from upstream to downstream.
With the sixth largest gold reserves in the world, the Head of State emphasized that this natural wealth must be managed properly and transparently in the interests of the nation.
However, the President also reminded that there are still illegal mining and smuggling practices that are detrimental to the state.
"There are still irregularities and smuggling that harm the nation and people. We will act on this," he said.
Furthermore, the President emphasized that this illegal practice not only reduces state revenue, but also threatens the sustainability of industry and employment for hundreds of thousands of Indonesians.
"We cannot tolerate deviation and smuggling because it threatens our industry and the welfare of workers," he said.
With this purification facility, the government hopes that the Indonesian mining industry will be more independent and contribute more to the national economy.
The President in his speech also invited the public to always be grateful and work together in maintaining and managing Indonesia's natural wealth as well as possible.
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