JATENG - The Surakarta City Government (Pemkot) will implement a picket system for state civil servants (ASN) during the 2025 Eid holiday which is quite long.
The Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Surakarta City, Budi Murtono, said that the implementation of this picket system is so that services to the community continue during the Eid holiday.
"A number of ASN from the Health Service, Transportation Service, and Civil Service Police Unit will be deployed in the Lebaran post. As in previous years, later at the posts there will still be ASN on duty," he said in Solo, Central Java, Monday, March 17, which was confiscated by Antara.
In addition, his party will also implement a picket schedule for ASN who work outside of service.
"Later, for offices, if there are non-service ones, we want to hold pickets because the holidays are quite long," he said.
According to him, ASN in the Surakarta City Government will take a holiday from March 28 to April 7.
Thus, ASN will enter the last office on March 27 before the Eid holiday.
He also ensured that the Surakarta City Government did not implement a work from anywhere (WFA) policy or work from anywhere ahead of Lebaran 2025.
"We are still in normal condition, especially since there are not too many Solo employees from out of town from outside the city. It's different from central employees, they go home early," he said.
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