Defense and Military Observer, Anton Aliabbas, considers Puan's statement to be a guarantee that the TNI's authority as a state military institution can still be limited.

"What the Speaker of the House of Representatives said could at least show a commitment to ensure that military institutions to civilian areas can still be emulated," said Anton Aliabbas, Monday, March 17, evening.

The head of the Center for Intermestic and Diplomatic Engagement (CIDE) also encouraged the DPR RI to strengthen the rules regarding this matter. According to him, strengthening is needed to ensure that the rules in the TNI Law can be implemented properly and consistently.

"It is better for the DPR to encourage the strengthening of the implementation of these arrangements, including the elaboration of sanctions for those who violate these provisions," said Anton.

Learning from the current TNI Law, added. Anton, the problem related to civil office occupied by the active military is compliance with laws and regulations.

"It should be, the implementation of new rules can be monitored and monitored regularly," added the Lecturer at Paramadina University.

Previously, the Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, revealed that the contents of the discussion of the TNI Bill were not as feared by a number of circles. Puan also confirmed that the issue of ABRI's return to Dwifunction through the TNI Bill was not true.

"It was conveyed earlier by the Chairman of the Panja and other DPR leaders that it is not (true), and please see later, the results of the Panjanya have also been distributed," said Puan, dismissing the issue of ABRI's Dwifunction regarding the TNI Bill at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, March 17.

Puan also stated that currently the TNI Bill is still in the process of being discussed at the Working Committee (Panja) between the DPR and the Government.

"Later, in its decision, we can see it together and it has received input from all elements. It has also been summoned by parties to provide input," said the first woman who served as Chair of the DPR RI.

Puan also emphasized that apart from the 16 ministries or institutions set by the DPR and the Government, active TNI soldiers must resign.

"If not in these positions, the TNI should actively resign. In the revision of the TNI Law, it is clear and clear," said Puan.

For information, Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, together with Commission I of the House of Representatives held a press conference to explain the substance of the articles discussed in the TNI Bill. The TNI Bill was discussed in Commission I of the DPR in charge of defense, and the Working Committee (Panja) had been made.

In the statement of the Panja of the TNI Bill today, there are only three articles discussed in the revision of the TNI Law, namely Article 3, Article 47, and Article 53. As for Article 3 regulates the position of the TNI, Article 53 regulates the retirement age of the TNI, and Article 47 regulates the post of ministries/institutions that soldiers can occupy.

The bill changes the current TNI law, which exists, namely the retirement age limit for non-commissioned officers and enlisteds from 53 years to 55 years. Then the retirement age limit for officers becomes 58-62 years according to rank. Especially for 4-stars, retirement age is adjusted to the president's policy.

The discussion on the addition of the retirement age of TNI personnel has also been researched by the Ministry of Finance, so there are no problems in terms of budget. Then the TNI Bill also discussed the position of the TNI which can be under the coordination of the Ministry of Defense (Kemhan).

Finally, the TNI Bill also discusses the amendment to Article 47 in which in the TNI Law, soldiers can hold positions in 10 ministries or institutions. In the latest bill, active TNI officers can serve in 16 ministries/agencies. For the Attorney General's Office (AGO), active TNI soldiers will only serve as Deputy Attorney General for Military Crimes (Jampidmil).

Penambahan jumlah pos untuk prajurit TNI aktif dicantumkan pada RUU TNI mengingat karena dalam UU terkait kementerian/lembaga yang dimaksud memang sudah dicantumkan aturan tentang hal tersebut sehingga agar lebih rigid, maka dimasukkan juga di dalam RUU TNI.

Adapun 16 kementerian/lembaga yang dimaksud adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Coordinator for Political and Security Affairs2. State Defense3. Presidential Military Secretariat (Setmillres)4. State Intelligence5. State Password6. Lemhannas7. National Defense Council (DPN) 8. National SAR9. National Narcotics10. Maritime Affairs and Fisheries11. National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB)12. National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT)13. Maritime Security14. The Attorney General's Office (active TNI soldiers will only serve as Deputy Attorney General for Military Crimes or Jampidmil).15. Supreme Court 16. National Border Management Agency (BNPP)

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