JAKARTA Google continues to improve the capabilities of its presentation video platform, Google Vids, by adding an AI voiceover feature. This feature allows users to generate voice narratives automatically with the help of artificial intelligence, eliminating the need to record their own voice.

Google Vids is not a video creation platform like an AI generator, but a tool for making presentation videos with various AI-based features. The platform was first introduced by the California company last year and has now gone through various testing stages.

With Google Vids, users can create and edit video presentations automatically. Simply by describing the concept of video through the text field, this platform will develop a video framework, search for clips, and add titles. After that, users can customize the results as needed.

AI Voiceover: Automatic Narrative For Presentation

Previously, users had to record their own voice to fill the narration in the video. However, with this latest feature, Google Vids can now generate AI voiceovers automatically.

Not only producing sound, this feature is also able to script narratives that are adapted to the context of the video. Thus, users can completely submit narration tasks to AI.

In addition, Google promises that its AI can adjust the sound to the text that appears on the screen, providing a more natural and professional experience. Users can also choose from the various voice options provided.

Feature Availability

This AI voiceover feature is in the process of launching and is expected to be globally available in the next two weeks. Google Workspace will be the first to get this feature, especially for customers with Business Standard and Plus, Enterprise Standard and Plus, Essentials, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Essentials Plus, and Education Plus.

In addition, customers with add-on Gemini Business, Enterprise, Education, or Premium Education will also gain access to this feature.

With the addition of this AI voiceover feature, Google is further strengthening its position in the world of AI, as well as facilitating the creation of more professional and efficient presentation videos for its users.

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