One of them, Tangcity Mall and Novotel Hotel which carry out collaborative activities entitled "1,000 Smiles, 1,000 Blessings".
The activity was wrapped with compensation and breaking the fast with 1,000 orphans and people with disabilities.
Director of Tangcity Mall Superblock, Lee Sugianto, said this activity was a tangible manifestation of his party's concern for the groups in need.
He explained that this event is a routine activity that is held every year.
"Jadi selain memberikan santunan, di sini juga ada kegiatan yang memberikan momen spesial pada anak-anak yatim dengan menghadirkan berbagai pertunjukan seperti marawis dan tari saman," kata Lee Sugianto dalam keterangannya, Minggu, 16 Maret.
He hopes that this activity can be an inspiration for other parties and strengthen awareness of groups in need.
"Hopefully this activity will be a blessing for all those involved," he said.
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