The South Jakarta Transportation Agency has disciplined dozens of two-wheeled and four-wheeled motorized vehicles at illegal parking locations in the Jalan Senopati area, Senayan Village, Kebayoran Baru District, in the context of Operation Lintas Jaya.
"motorized vehicles that park wildly are brought under control by the Operation to Revoke Pentil (OCP), transport nets and also cranes," said Head of the South Jakarta Transportation Sub-dept., Bernad Oktavianus Pasaribu in a statement in Jakarta, Saturday.
Bernad said the control of illegal parking was carried out by 30 joint personnel from the South Jakarta Transportation Service, TNI and Polri.
A total of 23 motorized vehicles were brought under control, consisting of 12 two-wheeled motorized vehicles or motorbikes transported and 10 other motorbikes subject to the Pentil Revoke Operation (OCP) and one four-wheeled motorized vehicle or towed cars.
"We are targeting two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles parked in places that should not be like on the shoulder of the road or on the sidewalk," he said.
The cars towed and motorbikes transported were taken to the South Jakarta Transportation Sub-dept. (Jaksel) office.
"For the vehicle caught in illegal parking, we brought it in a tow truck and three trucks," he said.
The vehicle caught by Operation Lintas Jaya was then recorded at the office. Owners who want to take their vehicles first are given a ticket by the Traffic Unit (Satlantas) of the South Jakarta Metro Police.
Suku Dinas Perhubungan Jakarta Selatan mengimbau kepada para pemilik kendaraan agar parkir sesuai tempat yang sudah disediakan atau seharusnya.
"Because illegal parking like this is certainly detrimental to many people, such as pedestrians, cyclists and other road users," he said.
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