TANJUNG SELOR - Military Resort Command (Korem) 092/Maharajalla stated its readiness to help the National Police to secure the flow of homecoming and return to Lebaran 2025 in North Kalimantan.
"The TNI is trying to help smooth traffic during the homecoming period and back to Lebaran," said Commander of Korem (Danrem) 092/Maharajala Brigadier General Adek Chandra Kurniawan in Tanjung Selor, North Kalimantan (Kaltara), Saturday.
Furthermore, Danrem explained that in the implementation of security, the National Police will be at the forefront, supported by the local Transportation Service.
The TNI will coordinate closely with the two agencies to ensure smooth and security during the homecoming and return period.
"Indeed, later the police and the transportation service will be in front," he added.
As in previous years, the TNI will deploy personnel to assist security at strategic points.
This step is part of the TNI's efforts to create safe and comfortable conditions for people who travel during the Eid period.
"We have prepared several members, as usual, every year during the homecoming or New Year holidays, we are always ready to help the security forces," explained Danrem.
The main purpose of TNI's involvement is to ensure the safety and comfort of the community during homecoming and homecoming trips.
The TNI is committed to creating a conducive atmosphere so that people can celebrate Eid safely and smoothly.
With the synergy between the TNI, Polri, and related agencies, it is believed that the flow of homecoming and the return of Lebaran 2025 runs smoothly and safely.
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