JAKARTA - The 214 State Junior High School Alumni Association (Iluni), Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta, held a happiness-sharing activity by providing compensation to orphans at the National Cash Toddler Child Orphanage Social Institution, Saturday, March 15, 2025.

The assistance provided was in the form of play mats (playmate), baby diapers, milk, eggs, and other orphanage needs.

"This activity is a routine agenda and part of the efforts of Iluni SMPN 214 in establishing friendship and closeness with the community, especially in the moment of Ramadan which is full of blessings," said Welly as Chair of Iluni SMPN 214 met in the activity.

This happiness-sharing activity, continued Welly, is in line with the work program where he used to study in supporting the welfare of the community and instilling social values in all alumni.

According to VOI.id's observation, the alumni seemed to be chatting with the children of the orphanage, which numbered hundreds.

The children who are in this orphanage are 0 months to 7 years old. In fact, the chairman of Iluni SMPN 214 had carried one of the blind orphanage children, Maria (5).

Then, the children there also received gifts in the form of snacks and also quizzes with questions about religion.

For orphanage children who can answer, they will be given gifts such as writing equipment, places to eat and drink, and pencil boxes.

Iluni SMPN 214 Jakarta always strives to hold activities that have a positive and beneficial impact on internal affairs in particular and society in general.

"We hope that this activity will not only bring happiness to orphans, but also inspire more parties to continue to share goodness," he said.

At the end of 2024, Iluni SMPN 214 Jakarta also provided assistance to victims of the flash flood natural disaster that occurred in Sukabumi Regency, West Java.

The flash flood natural disaster affected 300 families in Pabuaran Village. The total reaches 1,000 people.

Sleeping equipment, suitable clothes, medicines, and clean water assistance they provide by bringing in as many as two container trucks donated by all members of Iluni SMPN 214.

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