JAKARTA As a very popular service provider platform in Indonesia, Gojek tries to protect its users, especially women, from various harassment cases that can occur anywhere.

Josefhine Chitra, GoTo's Head of Corporate Communication, explained that their first step in protecting users from harassment cases was to provide an emergency button in the Gojek application.

This button can be accessed when the user is on his way with the driver, both Goride and Gocar. If users have difficulty finding an emergency button, they can also report the case after the trip ends.

"For example, if you want to report it afterwards, when it is reported that there is a hazard, it will enter our highest customer care tier. (This case will be) served specifically with the team that we have trained," Josefhine said while attending the AI webinar for Women, Saturday, March 15.

Josefhine also explained that they always handle reports based on their tier or level. When users say they are harassed, this case will be immediately handled because it is at the highest level.

Gojek not only maximizes its features to help users in reporting cases of harassment, but also trains customer care teams to handle sensitive issues with caution. They will be asked to ask the case without triggering the victim.

In addition, Gojek is also working with UN Women, part of the United Nations Agency (UN) which focuses on gender equality and women's empowerment. Through this collaboration, UN Women provides training on how to handle harassment cases.

"We once refresh training with the UN Women team to ensure our team is very trained. (This training is necessary) because complaints at each service must be different. So, if there are reports of harassment, it will go directly to the highest level of handling," said Josefhine.

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