YOGYAKARTA - Gardan oil or what is also called differential oil is the type of lubricant oil used in the (differential) gardan system on motorcycles. Gardan oil is specially designed to lubricate the teeth of the gardan that rotate at high speed and get a large torque load. This oil serves to reduce the friction and heat produced by the friction between these teeth. In addition, the gardan oil also works in protecting and preventing wear in the axion component. So when is the time to change the motor gardan oil? Check out the full review below.

The right time to replace the axle oil on a motorcycle is certainly varied depending on the brand, model, and conditions for using the motorcycle. However, usually, the recommendation for replacing the gardan oil is around 10,000-20,000 kilometers or every 1 year.

In addition to the travel distance factor, the factors below can also affect the frequency of replacement of Gardan oil:

If you are not sure when to replace motorcycle gardan oil, it is advisable to consult with an official workshop or mechanics that is an expert in caring for motorcycles. They certainly understand better and are able to provide more specific guidance based on the conditions and use of your motorcycle.

There are several dangers that can occur on your motorcycle if you don't replace the motorcycling oil, including:

Gardan oils that have been contaminated or degraded can result in increased noise and vibration in the substation system. This risks disrupting driving comfort and can also be a sign of problems with the gardan.

Gardan oils that have been used for a long time tend to degrade and lose their ability to lubricate properly. This can lead to an increase in friction between the teeth of the gardan, which is able to reduce the efficiency of energy transfer and the overall performance of the motorcycle.

If you don't replace the gardan oil for a long time, it will risk a buildup of dirt and deposits in the grid system. This solid can cause blockages or disturbances in the flow of Gardan oil, which in turn can result in failure or damage to the gardan component.

Gross or degraded fund oils cannot provide optimal protection against the teeth of the axles. This can result in faster solids, such as teeth and cushionings. If stiffness occurs significantly, you will need higher repair or replacement costs.

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