JAKARTA - North Tapin Police, South Kalimantan, and the Criminal Investigation Unit of Tapin Police are currently investigating the death of an underage girl known to the grandson of the former Regent of Tapin.

Head of North Tapin Police, Inspector Subroto Rindang Ari Setyawan, said that this case is being investigated and members in the field are still investigating.

Then, he said, the officers had also processed the scene of the case where the victim's body was found.

"Officers are collecting materials and information (pulbaket) as well as witnesses in the field and waiting for the results of the post mortem from the hospital," said Subroto in North Tapin, as reported by Antara, Sunday, April 25.

For the victim, it is known that a 17-year-old girl with the initials NBR, a resident of Tapin Regency, South Kalimantan. The victim was found dead in a room in her house with full bruises on her face and neck.

"Members are still investigating at the Crime Scene (TKP). We cannot yet conclude the motive, mode, and type of crime. Later when there is a bright spot, we will inform you," he said.

The location of the victim's house is precisely on A Yani Street, North Tapin District. The victim was found by the family at around 08.00 central Indonesia time, lying in a third-floor room at her house.

It was later discovered that the victim was the grandson of the former Seventh Tapin Regent H Ahmad Makkie and the son of H Fajar Safari as Deputy Secretary of the Branch Management of Nahdlatul Ulama (PCNU) Tapin, after being convicted, the victim was buried in Maqbarah Al Mubarak.

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