JAKARTA - TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto stated that amendments to Law (UU) Number 34 of 2004 concerning the Indonesian National Army (TNI) have been very necessary. Considering that since 20 years of promulgation, the TNI Law has never been revised.
"It has been more than 20 years since Law 34 of 2004 concerning the TNI was enacted, revisions have never been made or changes," said Panglima Agus in a meeting with Commission I of the DPR at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, March 13.
In dealing with various threats, Agus continued, the TNI is expected to be more responsive in accordance with the dynamics of the strategic environment it faces. Such as conflicts in the North Natuna Sea, vertical conflicts in the territory of Indonesia, political dynamics in the country, such as democratic parties, elections in 2024, threats of horizontal potential and potential disaster threats.
In addition, according to Agus, the TNI has been heavily involved in world peace missions, various foreign cooperation and military diplomacy. The TNI, he said, also carried out strengthening coordination and cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to clarify the limits of the role of the TNI in bilateral and multilateral negotiations.
"In carrying out the task, the TNI must gradually be able to implement it integratively to be able to integrate the integrated defense system through the welfare system's central network. The TNI must face multidimensional wars, especially in cyberspace," he said.
In addition, Agus said, the TNI together with other institutions and ministries must be able to deal with various scenarios of the situation of convergence. Strengthening better coordination between the TNI and the Ministry of Defense is carried out through a structured mechanism.
For this reason, the TNI supports the independence of defense equipment gradually to reduce dependence on foreign products, in terms of procurement of defense equipment, equipment and equipment. In addition, the TNI is required to be adaptive to deal with the dynamics that occur, namely encouraging increased territorial development to be able to face problems faced by the nation.
"The TNI is expected to be able to face all forms of threats, both from within and outside the country. Modernization of the TNI in the form of procurement of the latest technology defense equipment, as well as software can gradually answer all threats and real disturbances, as well as those perceived," he said.
"This of course coordinates with the Ministry of Defense, always the stakeholder of strategic policies related to defense and security tools," concluded General Agus.
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