Bali Governor Wayan Koster has prepared a regional regulation (perda) that requires entrepreneurs and transportation business drivers to be someone with an ID card on the Bali address and his vehicle with the police number DK.

"Create a regional regulation first so that local Balinese residents are protected, this is local Bali, meaning the one with an ID card (he lives) in Bali whoever the person is," said Governor Koster in Badung Regency, Wednesday, March 12.

In the local government coordination meeting throughout Bali, Koster said this was part of controlling tourism transportation and transportation businesses in Bali.

As for what the Bali Provincial Government does, starting from identifying tourism transportation businesses and forming policies that favor local human resources.

Mbentuk peraturan daerah dan peraturan gubernur yang berpihak pada sumber daya manusia lokal, usaha transportasi wisata harus berizin, pengusaha harus ber-KTP dengan alamat di Bali, dan pengendara harus bertut-KTP dengan alamat di Bali, kendaraan transportasinya harus menggunakan nomor polisi DK, ujarnya.

Regarding special rental transportation based on online applications or motorcycle taxis, the Bali Provincial Government will regulate the use of its applications by requiring entrepreneurs and drivers to be identified as Bali and police number DK.

In the regional regulations later, the Governor of Bali will not miss the imposition of sanctions on those who violate this provision.

"We can no longer allow pressure on local residents because the job opportunities are getting narrower, so therefore we have to protect local residents by implementing a number of new policies," he said.

Koster also reminded that similar rules apply in other areas so that policies in Bali are needed.

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