YOGYAKARTA - In the process of applying for credit to the bank, there are several things that are checked or taken into account by the bank. One of the most important considerations is the BI Checking score. This score is a record of the smoothness of credit payments from a person. Does BI checking have an impact on one family card?

The bank will check the BI Checking score for prospective debtors or borrowers to determine whether a loan will be given or not. That is why this BI Checking score is important data from someone or bank customers.

Since 2018, BI Checking has turned into an OJK Financial Information Service System or SLIK OJK. For SLIK OJK checks itself, it can be done online and offline. Many people have questioned whether BI Checking had an impact on one family and how to improve this score?

Quoting from OJK, BI Checking is an information system managed by the OJK to support the implementation of monitoring tasks and information services in the financial sector.

BI Checking, which turned into SLIK OJK, was used to minimize asymmetric information (moral hazard and adverse selection) in facilitating the credit/financing process and implementing risk management by financial service institutions.

Quoting from the OCBC website, one of the foreign private banks, bad BI Checking or the bad score could affect married couples who want to apply for a loan. For those who are married, this is considered a couple whose conditions will affect each other related to SLIK OJK.

However, the authority regarding credit applications will be determined by the policies of each bank. SLIK OJK is only one element that is calculated from a number of other factors that will be assessed by banks.

To fix the bad BI Checking or SLIK OJK score, the first step that needs to be done is to immediately identify problematic credit. After that, immediately pay off the arrears to the bank or Financial Services Business Actors (PUJK). After the payment is complete, creditors can submit a request for improvement to the OJK Checking.

The OJK Checking submission process is relatively fast and easy. After the debt is repaid, information regarding the status of debtors, including their collectibility, will be updated once the Debtor Report is received.

This SLIK OJK status update is carried out no later than the 12th of the following month. The update of debtor data at SLIK OJK is carried out by financial service institutions in accordance with the provisions in POJK 11/2024.

The history of credit collectibility of debtors will remain on the SHIP idebku system for the past 24 months. The following are steps to improve the score of the SLIK OJK or BI Checking:

In addition to improving the score of SLIK OJK, married couples who are in one Family Card (KK) can also make a property separation agreement as a solution to avoid the negative impact of the bad OJK score on one party.

Based on Article 29 of the Marriage Law and the Constitutional Court Decision Number 69/PUU-XIII/2015, the asset separation agreement can be agreed both before and during the marriage bond.

However, when applying for credit, a husband or wife who has a property separation agreement must still meet financial requirements. These requirements include having a fixed income, a good credit history, as well as assets or adequate collateral.

Based on the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 40/POJK.03/2019 concerning Commercial Bank Asset Quality Assessment, the BI Checking or SLIK OJK score is classified into five levels known as credit collectibility (KOL). The following is the BI Checking score category or SLIK OJK:

1. Kolektibility 1= Smooth

When debtors always pay principals and interest smoothly or on time. Account development is good, there are no arrears, and in accordance with credit requirements.

2. Kolektibility 2= In Special Attention

The condition when the debtor is in arrears of principal and/or interest payments is between 1-90 days.

3. Kolektibility 3= Lacks Smooth

If the debtor is in arrears of principal and/or interest payments between 91-120 days.

4. Collectibility 4= Doubted

The conditions that occur when the debtor is in arrears of principal and/or interest payments are between 121-180 days.

5. Kolektibility 5= traffic jam

It happens if the debtor is in arrears of principal and/or interest payments for more than 180 days. That is the BI Checking or SLIK OJK score level category.

Demikian informasi mengenai apakah BI Checking berdampak pada satu kartu keluarga. Skor BI Checking atau SLIK OJK bisa saja menjadi pertimbangan ketika seseorang sudah keluarga. Namun kebijakan pemberian pinjaman akan kembali ke pihak bank masing-masing. Baca juga cara melihat skor kredit BI Checking secara online.

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