JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Pramono Anung has launched a free breakfast program in Jakarta schools. Before the program is implemented, Pramono will consult with the Head of the Dadan Hindayana National Nutrition Agency.
Pramono emphasized that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has been allowed by the central government to run free breakfast even though the free nutritious eating program (MBG) has been running.
"I will ask for special time from the Nutrition Agency, Prof. Dadan, because when the (regional head) retreat was not allowed (discussing on free breakfast). But I have also read that Jakarta is allowed," said Pramono at the Kramag Jati Main Market, East Jakarta, Monday, March 10.
Pramono said that coordination with the National Nutrition Agency as the executor and person in charge of MBG is needed by the DKI Provincial Government so that the policies he takes do not lead to mistakes in the future.
"Because whatever as governor I want everything to be proper, everything is transparent and open," he said.
This free breakfast program was previously discussed and prepared by the DKI Provincial Government together with the Pramono-Rano transition team before the inauguration of the regional head.
Acting Head of the DKI Jakarta Education Office, Sarjoko, this free breakfast program will be prioritized for schools in slum areas. The DKI Provincial Government will make school canteen traders the food provider.
"Later we will try it partially first, we will pilot the location of the location, maybe the priority location is in the slum RW area, adjusting our capabilities," said Sarjoko at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Thursday, January 16.
Sarjoko said this program was not directly implemented simultaneously in Jakarta schools this year.
Given that Pramono-Rano's free breakfast program has not been budgeted in the 2025 APBD, the DKI Provincial Government still needs to map out the budget allocation needed to run it.
"Our target (free absorption) will be carried out this year. Of course, it is like MBG, because it also requires readiness of many things related to funds as well," said Sarjoko.
"Once again, this is our piloting starting from a more particular scope first, while we evaluate it, while we develop it," he added.
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