BANGKA - The Government of Central Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province conducted a market operation to stabilize the prices of basic necessities which tended to increase during the Holy month of Ramadan 1442 Hijriyah

"Our OP will start in Koba Subdistrict, then follow five other sub-districts because the OP will be held in all or six sub-districts," said Bangka Tengah Regent, Algafry Rahman in Koba, as reported by Antara, Friday, April 23.

He explained that the OP's activities were in collaboration with the Babel Province Disperindagkop and several distributors in this area.

"The budget comes from the APBD, of course this is part of our efforts so that people can get basic necessities at a lower price than the market price," he said.

He said, the increase in the prices of a number of basic commodities cannot be denied in the momentum of this Ramadan because market demand is quite high.

"This is a market mechanism and market law, when demand is high sometimes prices tend to rise and the government can only intervene with OP activities, except for goods whose HET has been determined by the government," he said.

This Golkar Party politician also said that during the month of Ramadan the local government also distributed free basic necessities, especially for the elderly.

"This is also our effort so that they can get sufficient and adequate basic necessities," he said.

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