JAKARTA - Secretary General of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Amirsyah Tambunan asked people to carry out Eid prayers in their homes.

Although, currently only areas with COVID-19 red zones are prohibited from opening places of worship.

"We prioritize praying at home with our families, especially in areas that have been declared still in the red zone," said Amirsyah in a BNPB Indonesia Youtube broadcast, Friday, April 23.

Amirsyah said it was feared that the prayer activities on Eid al-Fitr 1442 Hijriah would cause crowds. Because, according to tradition, Muslims carry out activities of forgiveness after praying.

"This Eid prayer will create a crowd, because it will cause groups of people to flock to the field. Once again, we must prioritize prevention so as not to create new clusters," he said.

Amirsyah also invited the whole community not to go home on the Eid 2021 holiday. This was solely to reduce the number of the spread of COVID-19.

"The ban on going home is based on data, studies. As stated by Prof. Wiku, every time there is a crowd of COVID-19 cases it increases. This homecoming makes a crowd," said Amirsyah.

According to him, not going home will improve the handling of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia, which is currently sloping. Do not let cases that are ramping up again because of this Eid homecoming.

"I remind India to be a valuable lesson not to be repeated in Indonesia," he said.

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