The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police received information regarding the Ownership Certificate (SHM) on land related to the sea fence in the Bekasi area which was pawned to several private banks.

Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Djuhandhani Rahardjo Puro said the information was obtained after investigators studied the process of issuing 93 SHM in Tarumajaya District, Bekasi Regency.

"We also have a little finding related to some of these existing certificates. We will also continue to explore this, because the information we get, this certificate is now suspended in several private banks," said Djuhandhani to reporters, Friday, February 21.

In general, land certificates are pawned as collateral for borrowing money from banks. Therefore, Djuhandhani said there was a criminal element behind the action.

However, the deepening process will continue to be carried out to find evidence and supporting clues regarding the alleged crime that occurred.

"Of course this is the material for our investigation or further investigation. So, criminally, we also see that these people have taken advantage of it," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the progress of handling the alleged deed forgery, investigators said they had examined 19 witnesses. Starting from the Bekasi Regency Land Office employees to the former Village Head.

"10 witnesses as employees at the Bekasi Regency Land Office, 2 witnesses as applicants, namely the owner of SHM who was suspected to be invalid, then 3 witnesses as the support team of PTSL officers, then the former Head of Sagara Jaya Village and the Head of Sagara Jaya Village, as well as 2 witnesses from the RT/RW device in Sagara Jaya Village," said Djuhandani.

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