JAKARTA - Head of Jakarta Satpol PP Arifin said that during the Prophet's birthday and the wedding party of Rizeq Shihab's daughter, at least 36 people were punished with social sanctions and fines. The fines collected from the prosecution were more than IDR 1 million.

The amount of fines in the prosecution was conveyed by Arifin when testifying in the crowd case and the violation of the health protocol (prokes) in Petamburan for the defendant Rizieq Shihab and five former officials of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI).

Initially, Arifin explained the steps taken during the event. He has done outreach so that Rizieq Shihab sympathizers obey the prokes.

"Educating and socializing to all those present at the venue. Banners then unfurled posters urging to run prokes using masks, keep your distance, wash your hands, etc.," said Arifin in a trial at the East Jakarta District Court, Thursday. , 22 April.

Then, Arifin also said that he had taken action against Rizireq's sympathizers who had neglected to implement the prokes. At least 36 people were punished and sanctioned. Of the dozens of people, 19 of them were given social sanctions. They have to clean public facilities.

Meanwhile, the rest will be given a fine. They are obliged to pay a fine according to the Governor Regulation (Pergub).

"Then as many as 17 people carried out administrative fines. So that night 36 people (fines) collected the penalty sanctions were 1 million 450 thousand," he said.

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