JAKARTA - His name is Wirjawan Hardjamulia. Tuesday, April 20, came to Vania Hospital, Bogor City to receive the second phase of the COVID-19 vaccine.

After Wirjawan's grandfather was no longer young because he had touched 104 years. He came in a wheelchair pushed by his daughter. The physical condition of Wirjawan's grandfather was healthy, as evidenced by the results of the doctor's screening before vaccinating.

The Bogor City Health Office also used Wirjawan Hardjamulia's grandfather as an example for other elderly people to have the courage to receive vaccines. Head of the Bogor City Health Office, Sri Nowo Retno, said that the elderly in Bogor City have several diverse characters.

"The elderly who live in urban areas are enthusiastic about getting vaccinated, on the other hand, the elderly who live in the suburbs are not enthusiastic," he said in Bogor, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, April 21.

According to Retno, Sri Nowo Retno's nickname, there were elderly people living in the suburbs who refused to be vaccinated because they were afraid. There were those who did not get permission from their families, and there were those who argued that it was difficult to reach the vaccination sites.

"We are targeting around 100 elderly people per day to undergo vaccinations at every hospital and health center, but the realization is only about 20 to 30 elderly people per day," said Retno.

According to Retno, in an effort to accelerate the completion of vaccination targets for the elderly, the Health Office is also taking the ball, namely getting closer to the domicile of the elderly.

The Health Office has administered vaccinations for the elderly at the Bogor Utara sub-district office, at the sub-district office, in a school building and even at the residence of a midwife.

Retno hopes that the elderly and their families who live in the suburbs of Bogor City will be more active in visiting hospitals, health centers or designated places for vaccination.

Retno explained that based on data from the Committee for Handling Covid-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN), there were 95,371 elderly people who were targeted for COVID-19 vaccine recipients in the City of Bogor. Of these, 28,817 people had received the first dose of vaccination (30.22 percent), and those who had received the second dose were 9,363 people (9.82 percent).

Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya, also witnessed the time Wirjawan's grandfather was vaccinated. Bima Arya gave his appreciation for being disciplined in undergoing the first and second doses of vaccination.

According to Bima Arya, he also found elderly people in Bogor City who were reluctant to participate in the vaccination program, for several reasons, such as fear, not getting permission, or their homes far from the vaccination sites.

Therefore, the Health Office is making efforts to pick up the ball to make it easier for the elderly to undergo vaccinations, namely by providing vaccination sites in hospitals and health centers.

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