The Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the North Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati Sumut) charged the defendant Irfan Satria Putra Lubis alias Ratu Thalisa alias Ratu Entok's celebgram with 4.5 years in prison for committing blasphemy.

"Asking the panel of judges to sentence the defendant Irfan Satria Putra Lubis alias Ratu Thalisa alias Ratu Entok to four years and six months in prison," said North Sumatra Prosecutor's Office Erning Kosasih at the Medan District Court, Monday, February 17.

The Public Prosecutor assessed that Ratu Entok's actions were residents of Jalan Marelan I, Pasar IV Barat, Gang Necis, Environment VII, Kelurahan Falls, Medan Marelan District, Medan City, that they had fulfilled the elements of committing the crime of blasphemy as the first alternative indictment.

"The defendant was proven to have violated Article 45A paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 28 paragraph (2) of Law Number 1 of 2024 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions," he explained.

In addition to imprisonment, Public Prosecutor Erning also demanded that the defendant, the celebgram Ratu Entok, pay a fine of Rp. 100 million.

With the provision that if the fine is not paid by a celebgram from Hamlet II, Manunggal Village, Labuhan Deli District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra, it will be replaced with six months imprisonment.

The aggravating thing was the actions of the defendant Ratu Entok because it disturbed the community, and made Christianity very low in degree, and caused inequality in the community in religious life.

"The situation is mitigating, the defendant has never been convicted, and admits and regrets his actions," said Public Prosecutor Erning.

After listening to the reading of the charges, Chief Judge Achmad Ukayat postponed the trial and continued next week with the agenda of reading the defendant's memorandum of defense or plea.

"The trial was postponed and continued on Monday (24/2), with a pledoi agenda from the defendant and his legal advisor," said Judge Achmad Ukayat.

North Sumatra Prosecutor's Office, Erning Kosasih, in his previous indictment stated that the blasphemy carried out by the defendant Ratu Entok occurred on Wednesday (2/10/2024).

At that time, he said, the defendant, the celebrity celebrity Ratu Entok, was broadcasting live on social media via her personal TikTok account.

"In the live broadcast, the defendant showed a photo of Jesus as a Lord for Christians while telling him to cut his hair so as not to resemble a woman," he explained.

As for the words spoken by the defendant during the live broadcast, namely "hemmmen.... Biksu kali ah! Horgggg... ah!!!! you shave, hey you shave your hair, don't you resemble a woman, you shave, you shave so that you become like a father, shaved, if a man has to be shaved baldly, shaved, cut, let it be like you, what is your plan de capro, yes shaving, shaving oi shaving, oi shaving".

"On the defendant's post, there will be a commotion for all Christians and will have an impact on the breaking of unity and integrity as well as religious harmony," said Public Prosecutor Erning.

In addition, all Christian communities feel that the defendant Ratu Entok has spread hatred and is hostile or blasphemy towards a religion held in Indonesia.

"So a number of Christian communities made a report to the North Sumatra Police on October 4, 2024 for processing according to applicable law," said Public Prosecutor Erning.

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