JAKARTA - The Government and BPJS Health ensure that Hajj pilgrims and hajj officers are registered in the National Health Insurance Program (JKN).

President Director of BPJS Kesehatan Ghufron Mukti said the effort was to ensure that all Hajj and family members received optimal health protection before returning to the country.

"Health of Hajj pilgrims and Hajj officers is a top priority. With the protection of the JKN Program, pilgrims can get the health services needed without having to worry about medical expenses. With the presence of the JKN Program, it is hoped that the pilgrims and Hajj officers can worship in peace because the JKN Program is ready to provide protection," he said in a statement received in Jakarta, Monday, February 17, confiscated by Antara.

Ghufron explained that the JKN membership requirements had a positive impact on Hajj pilgrims and Hajj officers since 2017, especially during preparations before leaving for the Holy Land and returning to Indonesia.

With the policy in collaboration with the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) regarding the inclusion of active JKN requirements for regular Hajj pilgrims and special Hajj pilgrims, he said, it is hoped that the public will be aware of the importance of becoming JKN participants.

Regarding the mechanism for guaranteeing health services, his party provides guarantees for pilgrims and pilgrims who have been registered into the istitha'ah category. If in the istitha'ah process there is a physical condition that requires health services, he said, then the congregation can take advantage of the JKN attendance to access health services.

His party made 2025 a educational moment for pilgrims, where for prospective pilgrims who have not been registered as JKN participants, they can still manage the departure of the hajj. However, they still encourage pilgrims to register as JKN participants so they can access health services.

Ghufron added that pilgrims and Hajj officers can now access their health history through the Mobile JKN Application. The presence of this feature provides great benefits, especially if the congregation experiences an emergency while in the Holy Land.

"With a medical history that can be accessed digitally, medical personnel at a Saudi Arabian hospital can more easily find out the patient's medical records, so that treatment can be done faster and more precise," he said.

For this reason, Ghufron appealed to activate JKN membership, which should be carried out long before the departure of the hajj. Registration can be done through chats of Administrative Services via WhatsApp (PANDAWA) at 0811-8-165-165 or the JKN Mobile Application.

If you have become a JKN participant, he said, but the status is not active because you are in arrears in contributions, pilgrims and hajj officers can activate JKN membership by paying arrears in due payments channels or utilizing BPJS Health Phase Payment Plan Program (New REHAB 2.0) services through the JKN Mobile Application or Care Center 165.

In the same statement, the Director of Domestic Hajj Services at the Ministry of Religion M. Zain said that at the 1446 Hijri/2025 Hajj, his party required all regular Hajj pilgrims to have an active JKN.

He said this provision was regulated in the Decree of the Minister of Religion (KMA) regarding technical filling of the regular hajj quota and payment of the 2025 hajj fee.

The JKN program provides health protection before and after the pilgrimage. If the congregation is sick before departure, the cost of treatment will be borne by BPJS Kesehatan. After returning to the country, if you still need medical treatment, the JKN Program will also provide guarantees in accordance with applicable regulations," said Zain.

Zain said the health protection provided to pilgrims is still the same as the previous year, and what makes it different is that this year all regular pilgrims must be registered as active JKN participants.

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