TANGERANG - Police arrested two perpetrators who abused a kindergarten teacher with the initials B in the Cisauk area, Pagedangan, South Tangerang (Tangsel).
Cisauk Police Chief AKP Dhady Arsya said the two perpetrators were arrested on Friday, February 14, evening. The two perpetrators had the initials S and N.
"Yes, we have handled it, we have secured it at night around the location. Two people, S and N," said Dhandy when confirmed, Saturday, February 15.
When secured, both of them did not fight back. Now the perpetrator is being investigated by his members at the Cisauk Police Headquarters.
"(The status) is still under investigation. The victim is not injured," he said.
Previously, it went viral on social media, vide, who saw two good men in the uniform of community organizations (ormas) raging at a number of teachers in front of kindergarten students.
Initially, a number of teachers who were conducting drum band training gathered with kindergarten students in the residential yard.
A number of kindergarten students who took part in the training also looked cool playing while following the instructions given by the teachers.
The band's drum activity training was also accompanied by the parents of the kindergarten students.
In the midst of the excitement moments of a number of children who were participating in the training, two thugs approached the teacher.
Before long, the two men had an argument with the kindergarten students so that a number of drum bands were also dropped.
Before long, a thug in a mass organization uniform issued a badik and intended to stab the teacher right in front of a kindergarten student.
Then, the parents shouted until the atmosphere was not conducive due to the actions of the two thugs.
"Please, sir, this is in front of the children, sir, please, sir," shouted a number of kindergarten parents in the video footage seen on Friday, February 14.
'Jagoan on you ah,' shouted the man in the uniform of a mass organization while carrying a badik in his hand.
Kini kasus tersebut ditangani oleh Polres Tangsel terkait aksi saudara yang turut viral di media sosial itu.
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