JAKARTA - The rupiah exchange rate on the spot market closed significantly stronger on Thursday, April 9 trading. The rupiah closed 2.28 percent higher or 370 points to a level of Rp15,880 per US dollar.

This strengthening was beyond analysts' estimates, who even only predicted that the rupiah would end up at the level of Rp. 16,000 per US dollar.

Monex Investindo Futures Head Researcher Ariston Tjendra said the sentiment in financial markets looks positive for risky assets today.

Optimism that the corona or COVID-19 outbreak will reach its peak and can be passed and the next wave of large stimulus that will be launched by the global government will help strengthen risk assets this afternoon, "explained Ariston to VOI.

This afternoon, the majority of the mighty Asian currencies were in front of the US dollar. The rupiah became the Asian currency with the most significant strength, followed by the Malaysian ringgit which strengthened 0.18 percent.

The Singapore dollar strengthened 0.12 percent. Then the Chinese yuan and the Taiwan dollar both strengthened 0.11 percent.

The South Korean won strengthened 0.08 percent. Meanwhile the Filipna peso strengthened 0.05 percent. The Thai baht was the currency that weakened against the US dollar, weakening 0.22 percent.

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