YOGYAKARTA - Tangerang offers a wide selection of 24-hour hangouts in Tangerang that are suitable for those of you who want to relax at any time. From contemporary cafes with comfortable atmospheres to restaurants that present a wide selection of delicious foods, all you can find in this city. Either just sipping coffee, doing assignments, or gathering with friends, these places are ready to serve at any time without time limit.

Here are 17 recommendations for 24-hour hangouts in Tangerang that you can visit:

1. Kopluvium Pamulang

This cafe carries a modern industrial concept with aesthetic indoor, outdoor, and semi-outdoor areas. Providing a wide selection of coffee, non-copy drinks, snacks, and heavy foods.

Address: Jalan Siliwangi No. 459, Pondok Benda, Pamulang District, South Tangerang City, Banten.

2. BCKYRD Coffee and Shop

Offering a comfortable atmosphere with minimalist designs, this cafe provides a variety of coffee menus, non-copy drinks, snacks, and heavy foods. Facilities such as sofa tables, free WiFi, and terable Soccer are available to increase the comfort of visitors.

Address: Jalan Jombang Raya No.46, Pondok Pucung, Pondok Aren, South Tangerang.

3. D'Terrace Coffee Shop

Located in the Soll Marina Hotel, this cafe has a contemporary design with indoor and outdoor areas. Providing various menus such as dead soup, fish head sugar, fried rice, coffee, chicken, and chocolate.

Address: Jalan Raya Serpong KM.7, North Serpong, South Tangerang City.

4. Wing Lok Dimsum Bintaro

This restaurant offers various dimsum menus such as chicken rice steam, chicken wonton noodles, salted egg bappau, fried Cakwe, and dumplings. Suitable for those of you who want to enjoy meals in the middle of the night.

Address: Jalan KO Bintaro Jaya Sector 9 HI-2/11, Pondok Pucung, South Tangerang.

5. Overhits Coffee

Cafes with a comfortable atmosphere and minimalist design offer a variety of coffee menus, non-copy drinks, snacks, and heavy foods. Suitable for hanging out, doing tasks, or working.

Address: Jalan Kisamaun No. 55, Sukasari, Tangerang District, Tangerang City, Banten.

6. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf

Located at Soekarno'Hatta International Airport, the cafe is open 24 hours and offers a comfortable atmosphere. Providing a wide selection of drinks such as ice-blended, coffee, non-copy drinks, snacks, and heavy foods.

Address: RT.001/RW.010, Pajang, Benda District, Tangerang City, Banten.

7. Coteria

Carrying the Japanese-style lesehan concept, Coteria offers a relaxed atmosphere with a delicious menu and affordable prices.

Address: Ruko South Goldfinch, Blok B No. 19, Jalan Springs Boulevard, Gading Serpong, Serpong, Tangerang.

8. Turning Point Coffee

Cafes with this unique outdoor look offer a variety of menus ranging from Western, archipelago, to Japanese food. The place is wide and has many photo spots that are Instagramable.

Address: Ruko Golden 8 Extension Blok G No.5, Jalan Ki Hajar Dewantara, Pakulonan Barat, Serpong, Tangerang Regency.

9. Tamper Coffee

This cafe with unique decorations and Instagramable offers a variety of delicious coffee and food dishes.

Address: The Breeze BSD City Block IU 11, Cisauk, Sampora, Cisauk District, Tangerang Regency, Banten 15345.

10. Coffee wardrobe

With the concept of homey, the Kopi wardrobe offers various dishes of coffee, food, and herbal medicine.

Address: Arkéo Coffee 2nd Floor Ruko Bumi Serpong Damai Sector IV, Lengkong Wetan, Serpong, South Tangerang, Banten.

11. Level Up

Cafes with this unique place offer a wide selection of food and coffee.

Address: Ruko Bidex A/20, Jalan Pahlawan Seribu, Lengkong Wetan, Serpong, South Tangerang, Banten.

12. Climasies

The hidden gem cafe with this unique atmosphere offers various coffee and snacks menus.

Address: Ruko Graha Boulevard Blok D No. 10, Gading Serpong, Tangerang.

13. Benton Junction

This place offers a fun atmosphere at night with a wide selection of food and drinks.

Address: Jl. Boulevard Palem Raya, Lippo Karawaci, Tangerang.

14. Cafe Route 15

This cafe with the vintage concept offers various coffee and snacks menus.

Address: Jl. Raya Serpong No.15, North Serpong, South Tangerang.

15. Gaul Tenda Cafe

This relaxing hangout offers various food and beverage menus at affordable prices.

Address: Jl. Raya Serpong KM 8, Serpong, South Tangerang.

16. Old Market Cafe

Being in the Old Market area, this cafe offers a wide selection of typical food and drinks with a busy atmosphere.

Address: Jl. Kisamaun, Pasar Lama, Tangerang.

17. Blue Tenda Cafe

This cafe with the tent concept offers various food and beverage menus with a comfortable atmosphere.

Address: Jl. Raya Serpong KM 7, Serpong, South Tangerang.

In addition, read also: 5 North Jakarta Tourists At Night And Open 24 Hours

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