JAKARTA - Heavy rains have occurred in the Jakarta area since Friday, February 7, evening. Thus, causing flooding in 16 RT and four roads.

This condition refers to data from the Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) as of February 8, 2025, at 09.00 WIB.

"BPBD noted that currently the inundation occurred in 16 RTs and 4 roads," said Head of the DKI Jakarta BPBD Information Data Center (Pusdatin) Mohamad Yohan, Saturday, February 8.

In detail, 7 RTs in Kedaung Kaliangke Village, 5 RTs in Tegal Alur Village, 1 RT in Rawa Buaya Village, 1 RT in Pegadungan Village, 1 RT in Jelambar Village, and 1 RT in Kapuk Village. The water level in all areas affected by the flood is about 30 centimeters to 1 meter.

Meanwhile, the flooded roads are Green Garden RW. 04 (MCD) Housing Road, North Kedoya Village, West Jakarta with a water level of 10 centimeters; Jalan Tanjung Duren Raya, RT 012 RW 02, Tanjung Duren Utara Village, West Jakarta with a water level of 30 centimeters.

Then, Jalan Benda Raya RT 002 RW 01, Kelurahan Kamal, West Jakarta with a water level of 25 centimeters; and Jalan Bumi Cengkareng Indah (Rusun BCI), Cengkareng Timur Village with a water level of 80 centimeters.

"In response efforts, the DKI Jakarta BPBD mobilizes personnel to monitor inundation conditions in each region and coordinate elements of the Natural Resources Service, Highways Office, Gulkarmat Service to carry out inundation suction and ensure water lines function properly together with the local village heads and sub-district heads. The puddle is targeted to recede in a short time," said Yohan.

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