JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Wiku Adisasmito answered criticism about the prohibition of the community from carrying out Eid homecoming this year, but allowing tourist attractions to operate.

Wiku explained that the opening of the tourism sector during the month of Ramadan to Eid Al-Fitr 1442 Hijri is only allowed for local tourists.

"In principle, the Task Force Circular Letter Number 13 does not allow long-distance tourism," Wiku said in the Presidential Secretariat Youtube broadcast, Tuesday, April 20.

The restriction on the mobility of tourists from outside the area due to the ban on going home, continued Wiku, is expected to reduce the number of tourists in tourism locations so as not to cause crowds.

In addition, the ban on going home can prevent the entry of cases from other areas. which has the potential to bring about a new variant that may be more contagious and endanger public safety.

Even though the tourist attraction was opened during the pandemic, continued Wiku, the principle of caution and avoiding overcrowding and crowds must be a priority.

"This must be implemented primarily by tourism object organizers in order to limit the number of visitors during the pandemic. Always remind visitors to wear masks, wash their hands and keep their distance while inside the tourist attraction area," he explained.

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