The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) legal team said PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto was willing to bail out the bribe for the interim replacement (PAW) of the DPR RI, Harun Masiku.
This was conveyed by members of the KPK legal team when reading out their response to the petitum of Hasto Kristiyanto's camp at the pretrial hearing at the South Jakarta District Court.
Initially, the KPK said that a former member of the Indonesian Bawaslu, Agustiani Tio, was asked by Saeful Bahri to lobby former KPU Commissioner Wahyu Setiawan. Of course, to seek the transfer of the Harun Masiku electoral district.
Saeful Bahir asked Agustiani Tio to do so on the orders of Donny Tri Istiqomah, who is now a suspect in the PAW bribery case.
In the lobby, Wahyu Setiawan is said to have asked for Rp1 billion. However, with the negotiations carried out by Agustiani Tio Fridelina, it was agreed that the money to smooth Harun Masiku was Rp900 million.
"At the request, Saeful Bahri asked Agustiani Tio Fridelina to bid and it was finally agreed that the operational cost was IDR 900 million," said one of the KPK's legal teams, Thursday, February 6.
After that, Donny Tri Istiqomah and Saeful Bahri met Harun Masiku at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Central Jakarta. They talked about the money deal.
During the conversation, Harun finally agreed on the fees requested by Wahyu Setiawan worth Rp900 million.
"That next Saeful Bahri and Donny Tri Istiqomah met Harun Masiku at the grand hyat hotel and conveyed the request and accepted by Harun Masiku," he said.
Not only Harun Masiku, Secretary General of PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto is also said to have agreed on the costs requested by Wahyu Setiawan in managing the PAW.
"That around December 13, 2019, Saeful Bahri reported to Hasto Kristiyanto regarding the continuation of the development of Harun masiku affairs," he said.
"At that time, Hasto said 'yes, go ahead, if necessary, I will accept to bail him out first so that Harun Masiku's business can be finished quickly'," continued a member of the KPK legal team repeating Hasto's words.
Previously, it was reported that Hasto was known to have been named a suspect in the alleged interim bribery case (PAW) which also ensnared former KPU commissioner Wahyu Setiawan and his fugitive, Harun Masiku.
Not only Hasto, but the KPK has also named Donny Tri Istiqomah, who is a PDIP cadre and a lawyer as a suspect.
In fact, in its development, the KPK has also named Hasto as a suspect in the obstruction of the investigation. The PDIP Secretary General is suspected of trying to obstruct the legal process, one of which is by asking Harun to damage his cellphone and run away after the arrest operation (OTT) was carried out.
After becoming a suspect, Hasto's camp filed a pretrial lawsuit. This case is registered with case number 5/Pid.Pra/2025/PN JKT.SEL and Djuyamto acting as the sole judge.
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