JAKARTA - The ranks of the Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla) through the Tanjung Datu-301 State Ship (KN) managed to rescue six crew members of the Tug Boat (TB) Mega 09 who sank and evacuated the Penata Besar barge that was washed away in the waters north of Tempurung Island, Banten, today.
The rescue was carried out after KN Tanjung Datu-301 received information from the Merak Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) regarding the incident experienced by TB Mega 09 and the Penata Besar barge.
From the report, KN Tanjung Datu-301, which was sailing around the waters of Cilegon, immediately coordinated with VTS Merak and moved to the scene at 09.20 WIB.
Then at 10.30 WIB, KN Tanjung Datu-301 arrived at the location and immediately carried out search and rescue (SAR) operations.
The Indonesian Bakamla team finally managed to evacuate six victims, consisting of Ali Usman (captain, 34), Ismail (jurumudi, 54), Wahyudin (class, 19), Ridho (class, 26), Alexandro (head of the engine room, 28), and Boni Alvano (chief officer, 55).
"All victims were successfully evacuated and taken to KN Tanjung Datu-301 to get further treatment," said the Indonesian Bakamla Youth Expert Public Relations Officer Captain Bakamla Yuhanes Antara in an official press release from Bakamla RI received in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, February 2.
Meanwhile, Penata Besar's barge was successfully evacuated with the help of TB Sahabat Kapuas Utama, who is a company with TB Mega 09.
Then the Penata Besar barge was handed over to the relevant agencies, namely the Marine and Coast Guard Unit (KPLP) for further investigation of the cause of the Tug Boat TB Mega 09 sinking and marine pollution due to the ship's fuel oil spill (BBM).
The Commander of KN Tanjung Datu-301 Colonel Bakamla Rudi Endratmoko said that Bakamla RI will continue to coordinate with related parties to ensure the safety of shipping in Indonesian waters.
"With the swift action of Bakamla RI, six crew members who were victims of a marine accident could be rescued and the conditions of the waters around the scene remained under surveillance," said Rudi.
He also stated that Bakamla RI will continue to coordinate with related parties to ensure shipping safety in Indonesian waters.
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