JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Teguh Setyabudi in collaboration with food production or contract farming with the Sidoarjo Regency Government, East Java (East Java).
Cooperation with producers outside this area has been carried out in the Anies Baswedan government. In 2021 the DKI Provincial Government will collaborate on food availability in Ngawi, East Java, and Cilacap, Central Java.
This year's contract farming is carried out with the inauguration of rice planting by Teguh, Acting Governor of East Java Adhy Karyono, and Acting Regent of Sidoarjo Subandi.
Teguh admitted that the DKI Provincial Government still needs cooperation in providing food. This is because 98 percent of Jakarta's food needs depend on supplies from other regions because agricultural land in Jakarta is limited.
"Currently, the area of agricultural land in Jakarta is only around 400 hectares, while the need for rice for the people of Jakarta reaches 2,570 tons per day or around 77,000 tons per month," said Teguh in his statement, Sunday, February 2.
Through this scheme, Teguh views that the cooperation established is not only limited to food distribution, but also provides price and market certainty for farmers to improve their welfare.
"In this case, farmers and the Sidoarjo Regency Government get price guarantees and market guarantees which will have a good impact on the residents of Sidoarjo," explained Teguh.
The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has handed over agricultural facilities to the Sidoarjo Regency Government to help increase productivity and quality of their crops.
Teguh instructed PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya, one of the food BUMDs, to offer competitive grain purchase prices for farmer partners and continue to assist them in the implementation of good cultivation practices.
"We hope this partnership can continue to develop with a wider form of collaboration in the future," he said.
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