SITUBONDO - Fishermen in Regency, East Java, chose not to go to sea and added their boats since the past week due to extreme weather strong winds accompanied by rain and high sea waves and they worked side by side.

One of the fishermen in Tanjung Pecinan Village, Mangaran District, Situbondo Regency, Susanto admitted that he did not dare to fish in the middle of the sea because of high waves and strong winds.

"If it's weather like this, there are no fishermen who dare to go to sea, apart from high waves, the wind is quite strong and plus rain, it is too risky for us fishermen," he said when met at the Port of Kalbut Situbondo, Saturday.

Susanto admitted that as long as the weather was not good for fishing, most fishermen in Situbondo worked as construction workers, farming workers and other side jobs.

"But there are also some fishermen who do not work or are unemployed, because they can only work as fishermen.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Water and Air Police Unit (Satpolairud) of the Situbondo Police, AKP Gede Sukarmadiyasa, said that during extreme weather, his members continued to appeal to fishermen from the western tip of the Situbondo-Probolinggo border to the eastern tip of the Situbondo-Banyuwangi border.

"We regularly visit fishermen and urge them not to go to sea because the weather is not friendly. The wind is quite strong, and threatens the safety of fishermen," he said.

AKP Gede Sukarmadiyasa added that extreme weather is expected to last until mid-February, therefore he asked fishermen to be vigilant and pay attention to the weather when going to sea.

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