JAKARTA - US President Donald Trump is considering the possibility of withdrawing US military forces from Syria.

"He, as the Supreme Commander of the United States Military, has the right to review the deployment of troops abroad at any time," White House spokesmanKLavitt told reporters as reported by ANTARA from Anadolu, Saturday, February 1.

When asked if the issue became a topic being discussed by the government, Leavitt simply said, "Yes."

Trump on Thursday (30/1) said he would "made a decision" regarding US troops that had been deployed to support efforts against ISIS (Daesh) in Syria.

"We are not involved in Syria. Syria is already in its own mess. They have experienced quite a lot of chaos there. They don't need our involvement," he said.

Israel's official public broadcaster Kan, on Tuesday (28/1) reported "senior officials of the White House conveyed a message to their Israeli counterparts indicating President Trump intends to withdraw thousands of US troops from Syria."

According to the Pentagon's announcement last December, the US had about 2,000 troops deployed in Syria, meaning around 1,100 more than previously disclosed.

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