East Java Police secured NK (61), an owner and caretaker of an orphanage in the city of Surabaya, who reportedly molested his foster children.

"(NK, reported) has been arrested," said Director of General Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) of the East Java Police, Kombes Farman, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, February 1.

The Sub-Directorate of Renakta of the Ditreskrimum of the East Java Police who is currently handling the case is still investigating the NK related to the allegations that the victim has against him.

He explained that currently investigators are still asking for information from NK regarding the sexual abuse report addressed to him. Allegedly, there was more than one victim.

"Most likely more than one victim," said Farman.

As previously reported, the Legal Aid Consultation Unit (UKBH) of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Airlangga, has advocated allegations of sexual violence or sexual abuse committed by the caregiver of an orphanage in the city of Surabaya, NK (61 years), against his foster children. The victim is thought to be more than one child.

Chairman of UKBH Sapta Aprilianto explained that the sexual abuse case was revealed when one of the 15-year-old victims escaped from an orphanage that was fostered by NK. The victim's relative, S (41), then went to UKBH Unair to be accompanied to handle the case.

"(And the obscenity) has been going on, yes, for about three years," Sapta told reporters at the Unair campus in Surabaya, East Java, Friday (31/1).

Based on complaints from the victim, apart from himself, there were also several foster children in the reported orphanage who also complained of being victims of sexual violence by the reported party.

"There were several children who ran away, then came to the complainant, then gave information that in the orphanage it was suspected that there was sexual violence against children," said Sapta.

The reported party is a caregiver who is also the owner of an orphanage. The age of the reported party is now six heads.

"Our suspicion (obscenity by the reported party) was carried out before the perpetrator was 60 years old," said Sapta.

The condition of the victim, he said, has now improved after receiving psychological assistance by involving the Surabaya City Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Office and East Java Province.

Separately, the Head of Public Relations of the East Java Police, Kombes Dirmanto, said the case was currently being investigated by the Sub-Directorate of the Renakta of the General Criminal Investigation Directorate.

"There may be more than one victim," said Dirmanto.

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