JAKARTA - A member of the Singkawang DPRD with the initials HA became a prisoner of the Singkawang District Attorney's Office, West Kalimantan, because he was suspected of being the perpetrator of a criminal act of sexual violence against minors in 2023.

"The delegation to the Prosecutor's Office is an existing procedure. We handed over the suspect and evidence to the Singkawang District Attorney," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Singkawang Police, AKP Deddi Sitepu, as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, February 1.

The evidence submitted by the police included a motorbike used by the suspect, the victim's clothes and the results of the post-mortem.

"Everything has been attached to the completeness of the handover file today," he said.

Based on the examination of the word Kasat Reskrim, the suspect is in good health so that stage two can be carried out to the Singkawang District Attorney.

For his actions, the Singkawang Police charged the suspect with the Child Protection Law with a threat of 5 to 15 years in prison.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Singkawang Prosecutor's Office, Nur Handayani, accompanied by Kasipidum Heri Susanto, said that his party had received phase II from the Singkawang Police on behalf of suspect H Herman alias H Aman.

"This suspect was charged with multiple articles, namely Article 81 paragraph 2 and/or Article 82 paragraph 1 of Law No. 17 of 2016 and/or Article letter C of Law No. 12 of 2022," he said.

In addition to being threatened with criminal charges by the Child Protection Law, the suspect was also charged with the Law on sexual violence.

"Furthermore, the suspect was detained in Singkawang Prison for 20 days. However, before 20 days we will immediately transfer this case to the Singkawang District Court," he said.

In the trial later, the Singkawang District Attorney has prepared as many as six Public Prosecutors.

"For this case, we will appoint six public prosecutors in the trial of the suspect in court," he said.

HA is an elected member of the Singkawang DPRD for the period 2025 to 2030.

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