JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly, Hidayat Nur Wahid, said that the use of patents is needed by officials. Because, they could be stuck in traffic jams and the public certainly doesn't want an important agenda like a meeting to be affected.
This was conveyed by the politician from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) in response to the patwal's proposal that he should only guard the president and vice president.
"I am also sure that residents do not like it when meetings at state institutions are late because meeting participants cannot arrive on time due to road congestion," Hidayat told reporters at the Parliament complex, Senayan, Jakarta, quoted on Saturday, February 1.
Even so, Hidayat said that the use of patwal should not be arbitrary. Moreover, it disturbs people who use road facilities.
"Patwal juga tidak boleh untuk melakukan tindakan yang dalam tanda kutip melukai warga atau melukai rakyat," tegasnya.
"So everything needs to apply that is empathic and sympathetic so that everyone can respect each other, everyone can respect each other, and can carry out their duties well," continued Hidayat.
Meanwhile, when asked about suggestions for officials to use public transportation, Hidayat actually highlighted the condition of public transportation and access. At the Parliament Complex, for example, he said there were not many options.
"If public transportation is ready, why not. You see now if we want to come here public transportation from where. Then if you want a meeting, then if everything is late, it will be bullied again. It's... late," he said.
Previously reported, the use of a patent for these officials was once in the spotlight when there was an incident when arrogant officers were tasked with paving the way for cars with RI 36 plates.
Later this car was discovered to belong to Raffi Ahmad. However, the special presidential envoy was not in it because of its use to deliver files at that time.
At that time, the patwal officer was seen pointing at the black executive taxi driver in front of him who had not given way. This video of the action circulated on social media and provoked various negative comments.
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