JAKARTA - Perumda PAM Jaya distributes free reservoirs to customers who live in areas with low piping water pressure in Jakarta.

Senior Manager of Corporate Communication & Office Director, Gatra Vaganza said, free reservoirs given to customers living in water supply areas are minimally an effort by DKI BUMD to provide optimal service for customers

"The free water reservoir assistance program is one of PAM JAYA's initiatives to provide optimal service for customers," said Gatra in Jakarta, Friday, January 31.

Gatra said, with the existence of free reservoirs in areas that get low supply, it is hoped that they will be able to store when the water supply is limited. Thus, customers no longer have difficulty when they need water for their daily needs.

"Hopefully by having water reserves in the reservoir, it will be able to meet the water needs for drinking, cooking and washing, as well as for the cleanliness of the body and place of residence that will support health," explained Gatra.

So far, the free reservoir assistance program has been provided to customers. In total, PAM Jaya has provided 154 reservoir units to residents in West and North Jakarta.

"The goal is to ensure that piped water is more accessible and evenly available to all citizens," said Gatra.

One of the areas targeted for the distribution of water reservoirs is in RW 10, East Pademangan, North Jakarta. The provision of assistance was carried out after an in-depth survey was previously conducted by the PAM JAYA team to determine the needs of the appropriate reservoir capacity.

This program is part of PAM JAYA's target to distribute 1,000 water reservoirs to customers throughout the DKI Jakarta area, especially in areas that are classified as low supply or have less stable water supply.

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