JAKARTA - The United Nations Agency for Assistance and Work for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) said they were forced to move their staff from Jerusalem after Israel decided to close its office in the city.

On Thursday, two Israeli Knesset laws banning the activities of the agency in the Palestinian territories came into effect, quoted from WAFA January 30.

In a statement UNRWA spokesman Jonathan said Israel shortened all UNRWA international staff visas until they ended Wednesday, which he considered the same as evictions, quoted from the Gulf Times.

He said UNRWA international staff in east Jerusalem were evacuated and transferred to Amman, Jordan.

On Wednesday, Israel's Supreme Court rejected a "conquest request" filed by human rights groups seeking temporary orders to delay the implementation of a decision limiting UNRWA operations in occupied territories.

These groups emphasize, "These laws violate Israel's human rights and duties as a power of occupation," with warnings of the dire consequences of humanity.

Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon, told UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres the agency must stop all its activities in occupied Jerusalem and vacate its buildings by Thursday.

The first law prohibits UNRWA activities in "Israel's sovereign territory," including operating representative offices and providing services. Meanwhile, other laws prohibit any contact with the agency.

For UNRWA, the termination of contact will effectively end coordination to ensure safe movement for UNRWA Palestinian staff, impose working conditions that are dangerous for them and prevent their international employees from obtaining entry and employment visas in occupied Palestinian territories.

The law will also hamper UNRWA's ties with Israeli banks, obtain financial transfers, pay salaries and pay their dues.

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