The West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) is investigating allegations of corruption related to the issuance of fictitious official travel orders (SPPD) a number of members of the North Lombok Regency DPRD.

Acting Assistant for Special Crimes at the NTB Prosecutor's Office, Ely Rahmawati, said that his party was conducting a search based on reports of complaints from community groups.

"Indeed, we just received the report, and we are paying this attention, seriously with this," said Ely in Mataram, NTB, Thursday, January 30, as reported by Antara.

In handling the report, the NTB Prosecutor's Office received information from the reporting party that this fictitious SPPD allegation emerged in the 2019-2024 period.

"Information from the reporter, these are not all (members of the DPRD), but only a number of people," he said.

With this report, Ely said that his party knew that the Mataram Kejari had also handled the alleged fictitious SPPD case.

"Therefore, we will coordinate in advance with the Mataram Kejari because as far as we know we have handled the same case," he said.

Kejari Mataram tercatat menangani kasus SPPD fiktif anggota DPRD Kabupaten Lombok Utara pada medio 2022. Penanganan kasus tersebut berjalan di Bidang Pidana Khusus Kejari Mataram dengan status penyelidikan.

Dalam kasus yang ditangani Kejari Mataram tersebut, tercatat 30 anggota legislatif dan tujuh pegawai sekretaris dewan yang namanya diduga tercatat sebagai penerima SPPD fiktif. Dugaan tersebut muncul dalam penerbitan pada tahun 2021.

The amount of budget that came out of the alleged issuance of fictitious SPPD, he said, varied, ranging from Rp1.8 million to Rp3.9 million per person.

This issue was revealed from the findings of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). SPPD money was recorded not to be used according to the report for lodging costs. In the findings, there was a state loss of Rp. 186.57 million.

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