Baper Feels Insulted By His Skinny When A Friend Is Chatting, A Young Man In South Sulawesi Sticks A Friend With Broken Beer Bottles
Evidence of broken beer bottles used by the perpetrator stabbed a boarding house friend because he felt he was being insulted (IST)

MAKASSAR - A man from Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi (Sulsel) was stabbed by a boarding house friend. The victim named Nandar (19) was stabbed with a broken Bintang beer bottle because the perpetrator was carried away by feelings (baper) thinking that he was being insulted by being thin.

"The wound suffered by the victim was stabbed in the stomach," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Pinrang Police, Iptu, Deki Marizaldi, to reporters, Monday, April 19.

The stabbing took place at the Maestro boarding house located in Benteng Sawitto Village, Paleteang District, Pinrang Regency. Before the torture, the perpetrator heard the conversation between the victim and his friend in the boarding room on the 2nd floor.

"The assault is suspected because of offense by the alleged perpetrator where previously the victim and his colleague told him on the second floor of his boarding house," said Iptu Deki.

The victim who was on the lower floor of the boarding house was offended by the words that he was thin.

"The suspect is on the ground floor who probably heard the victim telling stories and heard thin words. Skinny words that allegedly offended the suspect and assaulted the victim by using a bottle and stabbing him with a broken beer bottle," continued Deki.

The perpetrator immediately fled after stabbing his friend. The perpetrator was arrested after the victim reported the stabbing to the police.

Now the perpetrator is prosecuted at the local police station. Evidence of broken beer bottles was confiscated.

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