YOGYAKARTA Color blind tests are often included in the requirements for entering certain institutions or fields. This test is one of the stages that must be passed, for example when entering a university or in the field of work related to sharp vision skills, such as pilot health workers, to the police. So, how do you pass the color blind test?

Please note, the color blind test is an examination carried out to detect color blind diseases, namely conditions that cause the quality of vision for color to be disrupted. In this condition, a person will find it difficult to distinguish a certain color (partial) or color as a whole (total).

If you have color blindness, how to pass the color blind test is very important to know.

Summarized from various sources, the following are several types of color blind tests that are often used to detect color blind disturbances:

Quoted from AI-Care, the Ishihara test is an examination designed to detect red and green color blindness. This test utilizes a series of images consisting of colored points arranged in such a way that they change certain numbers or patterns. Well, these pictures are called the Ishihara Plate.

Adapting the WebMD page, the examination of this color blindness disorder is quite similar to the Ishihara test, but you need to look at the computer screen. When undergoing an examination, you must find a shape 'C' which has a different color from the background. When you look at the shape, you will be asked to press one of the four buttons available.

This color blind test is carried out with a special tool shaped like a microscope, namely an anomaloscope.

In this test, you will be asked to adjust the color to the color in the anomalyscope tool by turning several buttons on the tool.

In the anomaloscope there is a circle that is divided into two colors, namely red-green and yellow. You need to show a color similar to the two parts of the circle.

among the three types of color blind tests, the Ishihara test became the most frequently used visual impairment examination.

Among the three types of color blind tests, Ishihara's test became the most frequently used visual impairment examination.

If you want to pass the Ishihara color blind test, here are some tips that you can follow:

The first way to pass the color blind test is to do a simulation of the Ishihara test to test eye sensitivity.

Related to this, you can buy the original Ishihara book which is usually used by agencies for examination of color blind disturbances.

By means of simulations, you can understand the pattern and familiarize your eyes with the colors that often appear in the test.

A color blind test simulation with the book Ishihara needs to be accompanied by other people who have normal eye conditions. This will help you correct mistakes in recognizing the color in the book. In addition, they can also be mentors who show the type of test you are working on.

In addition to conducting regular Ishihara test simulations, eye vitamin consumption can also support the success of color blind tests. vitamin intake can strengthen and stimulate eye nerves, thus making vision better. However, don't forget to consume eye vitamins according to the recommendations listed on the packaging label.

That's the information on how to pass the color blind test. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.

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