JAKARTA - Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) Saldi Isra reminded all parties in the dispute over the results of regional head elections, both governors, regents and mayors (PHP Kada) in 2024 not to believe in the lure of certain individuals regarding the decision of a regional election dispute case.
"Let us decide fairly, don't be disturbed by the Court with irrelevant things. Because there are many stories of all kinds, sometimes it's just speculation outside to undermine, saying, 'We've talked to this' and all kinds of things," said Saldi at the Constitutional Court, Jakarta, Thursday, January 30, confiscated by Antara.
According to Saldi, the lure is just speculation aimed at blackmailing disputed parties.
Therefore, Saldi reminded all parties to submit to the Court to decide the case fairly.
"Please remember that, the principals of the entire republic, don't easily believe such questions," he said.
Saldi further said that the PHP Kada trial or also known as the regional election dispute was part of the contribution to preserving democratic life. These efforts need to be maintained by all parties.
In addition, he also reminded the parties not to damage democratic investment if the case ran aground in the Court, especially that the regional election dispute was an annual 5 agenda.
"It could be that his fate is not good now, there are still 5 years left, but don't damage our investment in democracy because what we want has not been achieved at this time. That's the most important thing. So, hopefully we can all take care of this because this is important for all of us," he said.
Previously, the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Suhartoyo said that his party would not allow it if there were parties who lured them to influence the judge's decision, including in the election dispute case.
"Because if we let it, then we let it be, later it will be like an image that becomes the truth, even though it's not necessarily true. Please if there are media friends who can provide data, we and the Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court can then take the attitudes that are as determined," Suhartoyo said, Tuesday (10/12/2024) night.
In addition, Suhartoyo also asked the public to report to the Court if there were parties who lured them to help influence the judge's decision.
"Friends of journalists can provide input with the Constitutional Court institutionally. If true, give the data so that we can also anticipate for certain judges or certain employees who do something that is narrated," he said.
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