YOGYAKARTA - Burns are one type of injury that is often experienced by many people. This condition occurs when the body's tissue is damaged by direct or indirect contact with sources of heat, chemicals, electricity, radiation, or extreme cold objects. There are several types of burns that are important to know.

Burns can cause pain, tissue damage, and even serious complications if not treated properly. Therefore, it is important to understand the types of burns so that the treatment is in accordance with their severity.

Burns can be caused by a number of factors. Here are some types of burns based on their important causes to be understood:

1. thermal burns

The thermal burns occur due to the skin or body parts being exposed to heat or fire. For example, when someone is exposed to flames, hot water, or objects that deliver heat.

2. Chemical burns

This type of burns is caused by exposure to chemicals such as acid or alkali. Chemical burns can cause damage to the body's tissue of people who experience it.

3. Electric burns

These burns occur due to contact with an electrical current that passes through the body. For example, when someone is hit by an electric shock or is struck by lightning.

4. Radiative burns

These burns are caused by radiation exposure, such as exposure to excessive beam, X-rays, or gamma rays.

5. Friction burn

These burns occur because the skin experiences strong friction. For example, when holding tightly a mine or rope.

Burns are classified based on the severity and damage that occurs to the skin tissue. Here are the types of burns that need to be known:

1. Burns Derajat Pertama (Superfissial)

The first degree of burns is the lightest type of burns because it only involves the outer layer of the skin (epidermis). The main symptoms include reddish skin, light pain, a little swelling.

These burns are usually caused by brief exposure to heat sources, such as sun shocks or brief contact with hot water. The handling involves cooling the wound area with running water and using moisturizers or controls to reduce discomfort.

2. Second Degree Burns (Partial)

Second degree burns are more serious because they involve epidermis and dermis layers. Symptoms that appear include limping skin, moderate to severe pain, and the skin looks red or white.

These burns often occur due to contact with certain hot, flame, or chemical fluids. Proper treatments include cleaning the wound, preventing infection, and in some cases, require professional medical treatment.

3. Burns Derajat Ketiga (Full)

The third degree of burns is the most severe type of burns. These wounds damage the entire layer of the skin and can reach the tissue below, such as muscles or bones.

Symptoms experienced can be in the form of white, brown, or charred skin. In addition, other symptoms that can be felt such as loss of taste in the area affected by nerve damage.

The causes of these burns include large fires, explosions, or old contacts with strong chemicals. Handling requires immediate medical intervention, including surgery, skin grafting, or long-term rehabilitation.

4. Burns Degree 4th

The fourth degree of burns is the type of extreme burns that not only damage the skin but also muscle tissue, tendons, and bones. This type is usually caused by direct exposure to the fire, explosion, or high voltage electric current. These burns require intensive treatment in hospitals and can be life-threatening.

Such is the review of the types of burns based on their causes and severity. Burns are conditions that require serious attention, especially if they involve deep damage to the body's tissue. Also read how to deal with moisturizing and peeling skin due to burning.

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