JAKARTA - Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Khoirudin assessed that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has not been optimal in optimizing regional assets. This is because the value of regional retribution income in the 2024 APBD is only hundreds of billions of rupiah.
Khoirudin asked the DKI Provincial Government to maximize the use of regional assets by making more active offers to investors or developers. One way to use the concept of initiative assets.
We made a program that we call an initiative asset, namely collecting assets from various cross-agency institutions into one data unit. Then, we invite investors from various institutions to take advantage of it," said Khoirudin in his statement, Thursday, January 30.
The DKI Provincial Government, according to him, needs to immediately complete an inventory of assets that have not been utilized so that they can be directly offered to investors.
If investors have to go to the office one by one, it will be very troublesome. So, we collect the data, simplify the process, so they just have to choose which assets are potential to invest in," said Khoirudin.
On the one hand, Khoirudin suggested that the existence of initiative assets could also be utilized by companies and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).
Thus, he continued, there will be no more neglected or unproductive assets, so that the contribution of PAD Jakarta can increase significantly.
In addition, Secretary of Commission C of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Suhud Alynudin, urged the DKI Provincial Government to immediately build a technology-based system to record and analyze asset data. This system is considered important to support transparency and ease of investment.
"The urgent thing right now is to build a technology-based system that is not only able to record and collect asset data," said Suhud.
"But it must also have analytic ability to potential assets owned by the provincial government, so that no more lost assets, idle, or neglected," he added.
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