Anticipating the density of vehicle traffic during the long holiday until Wednesday, January 29, 2025, the Bogor Police Traffic Unit will apply odd-even in the Puncak Bogor tourist area.
The odd-even implementation was also broadcast on the official Instagram account of the Bogor Police.
"The peak channel applies an odd-even system from January 24 to 29, 2025," wrote the account @satlantaspolresbogor.tmc.
The odd-even pattern is applied to anticipate traffic jams during the Isra Miraj holidays and the 2025 Chinese New Year.
Meanwhile, Jonggol Police Chief AKP Agus Hidayat said traffic flow monitoring in the Ciawi area and its surroundings on Sunday, January 26 morning, was still busy smoothly.
"For this morning, the Ciawi area is still running smoothly," said AKP Agus Hidayat when confirmed by VOI, Sunday, January 26.
Meanwhile, to anticipate the density of vehicles and disturbances in Kamtibmas, AKP Agus said that his party together with joint TNI personnel and Satpol PP continued to patrol alternative routes.
"To anticipate this long holiday, we from the Polsek, Koramil and Pol PP are on standby and continue to carry out patrols on alternative routes to avoid things that we do not want," he said.
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