JAKARTA - Because they went against the direction, a car was damaged by a mob on Jalan Panjang Arterial, Head Two, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, on Sunday morning at around 03.00 WIB.
Head of the Traffic Accident Unit (Kanit Laka Lalu) West Jakarta Metro Police AKP Joko Siswanto said the matter had been resolved amicably.
"The problem has been resolved amicably at the Kebon Jeruk Police," he said when confirmed, as reported by ANTARA, Sunday, January 26.
In a viral video shared by the Instagram account @warga.jakbar, the car numbered B 1047 DOK was surrounded and protested by residents.
A number of residents hit the car body and broke the rear glass of the car.
"At this time people get drunk against the direction on (Jalan Panjang) Arterial," said one in the video.
Until the end of the video, the car didn't move at all even though the rear light was still on.
The screams of residents' protests and the body of the car that was beaten had no effect on the driver of the car.
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