SEMARANG - The Directorate of Traffic (Dirlantas) of the Central Java Police with BUJT, Jasa Raharja and Dishub have taken various anticipatory steps to ensure smooth and comfortable for the community on trips during the long holidays of Isra Miraj and Imlek.

Dirlantas Polda Central Java, Kombes Sonny Irawan explained, his party together with the Traffic Sub-Directorate staff have carried out intensive patrols and monitoring on toll roads, arteries, tourist attractions, and community crowded centers. Based on the analysis of Traffic Accounting, the current condition of traffic flow is still relatively normal.

"In several main toll gates, such as the Pejagan Toll Gate, 250 vehicles per hour, the Kalikangkung Toll Gate and the Banyumanik Toll Gate 2,000 vehicles per hour each, and the Prambanan Toll Gate 1,000 vehicles per hour. All of them are still in the normal category," said Kombes Pol Sonny Irawan in a written statement received, Sunday, January 26.

As a form of readiness to face the peak of the homecoming flow, Traffic Heads in the area have been given directions through air apples using HT radio to ensure that the deployment of personnel in the field runs optimally. His party has also alerted personnel in the field to regulate traffic flow and provide assistance to the community at a number of crowded points.

"As a strategic step to anticipate a surge in vehicles at the peak of the homecoming flow. Our personnel will be placed at congestion-prone points and crowded centers to ensure the situation remains under control," he explained.

Although the current traffic situation is still safe and smooth, the public is advised to always comply with traffic rules, maintain safety, and prepare for trips properly.

"We hope that the public can enjoy the journey comfortably and safely during this long holiday," concluded Kombes Pol Sonny Irawan.

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