The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said the house that was searched was related to the alleged bribery in the interim replacement management (PAW) that ensnared fugitive Harun Masiku belonging to Djan Faridz. The search was carried out tonight.
"The information was updated by Djan Faridz's house," said KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardhika to reporters in a written statement, Wednesday, January 22.
Tessa has not been able to detail the search at Djan's house. Likewise with the exact address.
However, the information obtained by the United Development Party (PPP) politician's house is on Jalan Borobudur Number 26, Menteng, Central Jakarta.
Previously reported, the KPK developed an interim replacement bribery (PAW) case that ensnared former KPU commissioner Wahyu Setiawan and his fugitive, Harun Masiku.
Two people were later named as suspects, namely PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto and Donny Tri Istiqomah who are PDIP cadres as well as lawyers.
It didn't stop there, Hasto was also a suspect in the obstruction of the investigation. He is suspected of trying to obstruct the legal process, one of which is by asking Harun to damage his cellphone and run away after the hand arrest operation (OTT) was carried out.
Until now, the KPK is still looking for Harun Masiku. The wanted list (DPO) has been updated by including a number of characteristics such as having a height of 172 cm with dark hair and mature sawo skin.
Harun is also written as having special characteristics for glasses, thinness, having a loud voice. In addition, he also speaks in a Toraja or Bugis accent.
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